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Tired and Toxic Liver

By November 3, 2015December 3rd, 2020Moods and Hormones, Nutrition Education, Weight Loss

Tired and Toxic Liver

Tired and Toxic Liver:  If you or someone you know uses Proactiv for acne, I would think again. The toxic chemicals filled in Proactiv gets absorbed by the liver. Day after day of these chemicals really does a number on your liver. Tired and Toxic Liver

Your liver plays a major role in weight loss. The liver is a chief organ in the body for metabolism functions. Keeping our liver at optimal health should be a main focus of your weight loss plan.

The liver makes and secretes bile for storage in the gallbladder. During digestion, the bile is moved to the intestine to break down fats. But, if the liver is congested, it doesn’t produce enough bile for fat to be broken down. The liver can become congested from chemicals, toxins, drugs and heavy metals. Evidence of a “fatty liver” is often shown by a roll of fat at the waistline, which happens because the liver has stopped breaking down fat and started storing it. Only once you bring your liver back to full function, will you lose this fat.

When the liver is overloaded and toxic, every organ in a person’s body is affected and weight loss efforts are stalled. Some signs of a toxic liver are weight gain, cellulite, abdominal bloating, indigestion, fatigue, mood swings, depression, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and skin rashes. Many people struggle with weight gain and a sluggish metabolism most of their lives, and go through lots of yo-yo dieting unsuccessfully. “So why doesn’t anything really work?” we may ask. We have been tackling the symptom when we should be addressing the cause; weight gain is often due to poor liver function.

The liver performs more than 400 different jobs, and is the body’s most important metabolism-enhancing organ; it acts as a filter to clear the body of toxins, metabolize protein, control hormonal balance and enhance our immune system. Your liver is a “worker bee” that can even regenerate its own damaged cells! But our liver is not invincible. When it is abused and lacks essential nutrients, or when it is overwhelmed by toxins, it no longer performs as it should. Fat may build up in the liver and just under the skin, hormone imbalances can develop, and toxins increase and get into the blood stream.

The liver metabolizes not only fats, but proteins and carbohydrates for fuel. It breaks down amino acids from proteins into various pieces to help build muscle; which directly impacts your calorie burn. It also transports amino acids through the blood stream for hormone balance; which is critical to avoid water retention, bloating, cravings, as well other undesired weight issues. Amino acids also help move waste, such as damaged cholesterol, and used estrogen and insulin to the liver, for detoxification and elimination through the kidney.

Tired and Toxic Liver

The liver’s most important function, and the one that puts it at greatest risk for damages, is to detoxify the numerous toxins that attack our bodies daily. Working together with the lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines, a healthy liver detoxifies many damaging substances and eliminates them without polluting the bloodstream. When we cleanse the liver and eat the right foods, liver metabolism will improve and we start burning fat. As liver function improves, so does energy. With more energy, fitness improves, because we have the ability to exercise more and improve our muscle tone.


The following are the most common symptoms of a toxic liver; being edgy,

easily stressed,
elevated cholesterol,
skin irritation,
sleep difficulties,
kidney damage,
heart damage,
brain fog,
chronic fatigue,
weight gain,
blood sugar imbalances,

or obesity.


The liver also plays a role in migraines. If this vital organ is overloaded with toxic substances, it can cause inflammation that triggers migraine pain. If you have tried many ways to improve your health and energy level and nothing seemed to help, it is possible that your tired liver is triggering your difficulties. Restoring liver function is one of the most essential actions you could ever do for your health. When the liver gets congested it will remain that way and get worse until it gets cleaned and revitalized.

To learn more join my Accelerated Keto Life Class! or check out my book Keto Adapted.
Start your path to Healthy Healing today!
Tired and Toxic Liver
Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Fiona says:

    What does this article have to do with ProActive??

  • Lynn Schneider says:

    I have several of your books and several of your cookbooks. What I am wondering is where or what books contain liver cleansing information?

  • Beatriz says:

    In another post could you please give us the steps to restore the liver function and liver cleansing ?

  • Linda Love says:

    How do I detoxify my liver?

  • Wenchypoo says:

    I’ve heard that short-term vegetarianism cleans it out pretty well–just make sure the diet isn’t carried out for more than a week, or you may cause vitamin and/or mineral depletions. Any truth to this?

    Since I’m a heavy-duty salad eater (with meat on the side), I just practice Meatless Mondays (no eggs, no meat, no dairy, no fish, and no nuts). A fast would also help to clean the liver out.

  • Eliz~ says:

    How does Proactive affect the liver?

  • Rob says:

    Why do you mention Proactive and then there is no mention of it? Or are you just trying to bait people into buying your product under a false pretence?

  • Sam says:

    Exactly! I get why it’s important to detoxify the liver, but besides mentioning Proactive, there is not one reference to it again.

  • Eva says:

    I get that the liver is important and we should avoid toxins, but this post fails to address what is wrong with Proactiv? Why is Proactiv bad for the liver? Are all skin creams and toners bad for the liver? What should I use instead? What is it in Proactiv that I should be avoiding?

  • Michelle L says:

    I have the book Keto Adapted, I bought it 3 years ago and read it. However, it’s been 3 years and I need to know more about detoxing my liver. Can you please direct me to the pertinent chapter(s)? Thank you.

  • Andrew says:

    If someone has a genetic condition that may cause a permanently liver overload (i.e. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, I’m not sure if there are others), could constant ketosis still be okay? I’m not sure if it’s more work for the liver to obtain glucose or to break down a high fat diet?

    • Andrew says:

      Could ketosis be considered equivalent to fasting in this study?


    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Obviously genetic conditions can change things. But I still think this diet would be fine as it puts less stress on the liver than other lifestyles.

      • Maria Emmerich says:

        Fasting is a different animal as it induced much more autophagy.

        • Andrew says:

          Thank you for the help Maria!

          I’m sorry about too-much-information, and I know you’re not an expert in this – but I have low Alpha-1 levels and I’m a carrier on both SNPs. It looks like about 50% of my AAT enzyme is malformed and ending up in my liver where it has to be broken down. A couple studies suggest the liver might be in a near constant state of autophagy to handle this, or at least when the protease can’t handle it and they get overloaded (though it appears the studies are talking about ZZ carriers, where closer to 85% of their enzymes are malformed). I currently have no signs of decrease lung function or liver damage.

          I’m trying to understand how everything works. My doctors certainly have no idea.

          Do you know if there is any information on if being in a ketogenic state increases autophagy? If so, it sounds like that it might be safer for me to stick to a low carb – or at least try to carefully monitor blood levels with a doctor while attempting the diet.

          • Maria Emmerich says:

            Yes, this lifestyle (and fasting) can definitely increase autophagy.

          • Andrew says:

            Thank you Maria!

            I realize I’m not really capable of drawing any conclusions from these studies after all. The one said the fasting mice with Alpha-1 all died after 3 days (while the non-fasting mice did not), which sounds pretty scary, until you try to look it up and it appears most mice will die after 3 days without food anyway. So I suppose all I could really draw from the study is that those with sever AAT deficiency might not get an increased auto-phagy factor from fasting.

  • emma says:

    Hi maria,

    I have had problems with my weight since last year when I started using Roaccutane/isotretinoin for my acne. It said there were no weight gain side effects but damage to the liver was one. The composition of fat on my body changed, I put on about 8kg in 1-2 months, developed bad constipation, inability to exercise without cramping, irregular menstrual cycle, carb cravings, sleep problems, cellulite, fat build up around yhe waist and the worst depression and anxiety I have ever experienced. 1 year later and there has been no improvement no matter what I have done. I have just started a keto diet and signed up with your platinum membership but am worried my liver is stuffed and cant be healed. What should I do? If I sign up for coaching is this something you could help me with?!

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