Ice Cream Snickers from The Art of Healthy Eating Sweets |
I have really enjoyed doing my classes and meeting many of you either in my home or online. With all of the interest and inquiries on when my next class will be, I decided to teach another one on Sunday June 2nd from 5-7pm central.
The class is only $25. Pre-registration is required. For those of you who are out of the area there will be a Webinar option. The Webinar option will enable you to see the slides and hear me speak just like if you were in the room. Any questions you have will be answered (via the chat option in the webinar) You get a PDF of the slides to follow along with.
WHEN: Sunday June 2nd from 5-7pm central
WHERE: My home in River Falls, WI (email Craig for more details)
DESCRIPTION: Maximize Your Metabolism
Want to boost your metabolism, lose weight and feel better? In this two hour class you’ll get a better understanding of what your metabolism is, how you can accelerate it and just what foods will rev it up or put the brakes on it. Find out the biochemical problems with Low Fat Diets and why a breakfast of cereal and skim milk does not “do a body good.” Maria’s recipes and diet secrets have been featured on television programs, radio shows and magazine articles. She has also been interviewed many times on the importance of balancing your brain neurotransmitters and how that equates to weight loss success. The more sugar we eat, the more we crave it. If you start your day off with cereal and skim milk, you aren’t going to be able to walk by the candy jar in your office at 2 pm!
Check out these to breakfast comparisons:
Option 1: 1 cup SMART START Cereal (1 cup skim milk and banana)
472 calories, 105 carbs, 4g fiber = 25.25 tsp of sugar in blood (IF you didn’t add any sugar!)
Option 2: 2 eggs, with 2 cups of mushrooms, peppers, onions
190 calories, 9 carbs, 3 fiber = 1.5 tsp of sugar in blood
Option 3: My homemade donut made with coconut flour
217 calories, 7.4 carbs, 4.6g fiber = 0.7 tsp of sugar in blood! To eat is a necessity; to eat ‘healthy’ is an art.
I will have my books at the house, including the new book The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker!

Every time you offer one of these classes, I wonder: Would I be better off spending $25 on the book – or the webinar? so I finally deiced to ask 😉
Boy, that is tough. There is so much information in both. I have had many people who have read my Metabolism book come to the class twice! 🙂
That’s because you’re interesting to watch!!! I suggest to get the webinar, and the eBook copy (it’s less expensive, and you can get Kindle for your PC), if you have to maximise your dollars!
Thank you France! You are so sweet! 🙂
Honestly, get both! You will want to re-read the book and use the recipes but the classes are SO AMAZING! I took like 3 pages of notes and I had already read all of maria’s books! 🙂
Thanks Molly! 🙂
Some day I am going to have to vacation out in your area so I can go to one of your classes and Meet ya! Thanks so much for what you do!
Thank you! 🙂
When can we buy the new book? I see it on Amazon but not available to buy. I love all your books. My kids always have allergies in the Spring. Not this year since we changed out eating. I have been doing it for more than a year myself. Your book have helped me to incorporate my eating to the whole family…I want to order the SLOW Cooker book right now please with my Amazon prime so I can have it before I plan next week’s menus…
They are working hard at printing up all the copies. It will be about 3 weeks before they are available to purchase. Stay tuned! 🙂
Your blog is looking better and better each time I come here. I love that you have that paypal button on there, and I like all your links on the side (even though I can’t order from there). Thumbs up!!!!
Thank you France! Craig has worked hard on that. 🙂
How Can I BuyTheBook NowThat It In Hard CoPy?
Just go here to order. Thanks! 🙂
I just signed up for the webinar! Will I receive instructions on how to log in?
You will get an email invite tomorrow evening or Sunday morning with all the details. 🙂
I paid to attend the webinar but have not received the email invite and it is today. Help!!
Hi, You should have received it now (I just sent it this morning). If not let me know.
Is it too late to sign up for the webinar?
Nope, just click here to get your spot!
I would really like to do the webinar but wasn’t sure what time zone it’s in?
Central time. We just started. Just go here to get on the webinar. 🙂
Hi Maria,
Not sure if this is a possibility, but is the Webinar recorded? Because of the different time zones (I am in Australia) I haven’t signed up, because I wouldn’t be able to get to the computer at the time of the webinar.
Yes! There is a recorded version of the class available here:
(towards the bottom)
Thank you, great class! Might try the assessment. I’m the one that asked you about the 500+ blood sugar.
Thank you so much for attending! 🙂