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Trip of a Lifetime to Italy

Trip of a Lifetime to Italy

What did you miss the most during Covid?

I missed exploring the World.

Travel is my passion and I have been very blessed to see many parts of the World. I can honestly say, my favorite trip ever was my Keto Italy Trips! Not only are these Italy Trips the most amazing VIP trip I have ever been on, I also became great friends with all of those who traveled with me!

If you have missed traveling too, you must join me on the most amazing VIP Italy with Maria adventure 2023 with Millevie Travel!

That’s right! I have been asked to teach Keto while traveling the most beautiful areas of Italy and YOU are invited!

When Craig and I were first married, we read the book The 5 Love Languages. This book opened my eyes up to how to show my husband love, as well as other family members. Craig and I do not buy tangible gifts for each other for Christmas because that is not our love language; our love language is quality time and experiences. Having a new car isn’t important to me, I never owned a designer handbag, I cut my own hair, BUT I do love new experiences and traveling. It makes me feel alive! This is why we gift each other experiences rather than gifts.


No matter if you eat keto or not, there is NO JUDGING on this trip! You will have wonderful keto food served (they made special zoodles instead of pasta, keto eggplant Parmesan, and even my flour-less chocolate torte!!!) but if you want to have traditional Italian food, I do not mind. I will teach you all of my keto tips while we travel but I will not judge anyone’s decisions on the trip, that is not my style! Everyone is on a different journey in life so as long as  you do not judge me, I will not judge you:) Check out the testimony from Katya who came on the first Trip to Italy at the bottom of this post:)

Traveling to Italy has been a dream of mine for decades! Never have I ever believed I would have such an opportunity and to be able to go to Italy every year is beyond my dreams.

Not only traveling to Italy, but traveling with Giuliana and Rosanna of MilleVie Travel is the most amazing Italian adventure you could ever imagine! It is truly a Trip of a LIFETIME!

Giuliana and Rosanna are Italian sisters. They now live in California, but they know all the secrets to Italian Travel and they know how to get VIP tickets to the most treasured Italian sights!

Everyday on this Italian adventure is packed with beauty, enjoyment and fun! Thank you to Giuliana and Rosanna for asking me to teach Keto while traveling the most beautiful place!

I have become extremely close to these lovely Italian women! I call Giuliana often to catch up and chat about life. I feel blessed to have these wonderful women in my life!

WHERE: Milan. Lake Como. Cinque Terre. Tuscany. Rome.

WHEN: June 2-11, 2023

LIMITED SPACE: SIGN UP EARLY: Only 15-25 people.

Check out this video of Italy from one of my past trips with Millevie Travel:


To learn more and to sign up for the Keto Italy Trip of a lifetime, click HERE. 

Remember to click Maria Emmerich on “How Did you Hear About Us” for your FREE gift!

I look forward to traveling with you!


“I would kick myself if I didn’t write this post…if you have ever had a desire to see Italy, learn more about the keto way of eating, please watch for the next announcement on Maria’s page for the next Italy tour.

I was there…and while I was not at my ideal weight, I came away with more powerful information from Maria than before. She gave very powerful speeches that reinvigorated my desire to be back on track.

You know what else? Maria is NOT judgmental...she realizes that everyone is on a path to better health, and she is there to share tips, tricks and great knowledge to help you get there. I admit that I was intimidated, but once I met her, how could you not fall head over heels for this beautiful person who only wants to share her passion for better health by simply changing our diets?! (Food is thy medicine!) I will definitely try to make the next #ItalyKetoMaria tour next year, and for those of you who didn’t go this time, don’t miss out…it was PHENOMENAL!!! 🇮🇹♥️” Katya

This group will be friends of mine for life!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


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