Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
Separate the eggs (save the yolks), and whip the whites for a few minutes until VERY stiff (I use a stand mixer on high for a few minutes).
Gently mix the protein powder into the whites.
Slowly fold the reserved egg yolks into the whites (making sure the whites don't fall).
Grease a bread pan with coconut oil spray and fill with "dough."
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.
Let completely cool before cutting or the bread will fall. Cut into slices.
I keep this bread in the freezer at all times to make sandwiches.
OPTION: Make bread into 18 buns on a greased cookie sheet.
To make the sandwich, spread each slice with lard (this is how my grandpa would eat it)
To fancy it up: Fry on hot frying pan until golden brown and top with tomatoes and herbs.